Press Release - Informational Meeting - December 14, 2011
Published on Dec 6, 2011 16:43

PRESS RELEASE - December 6, 2011

The Enfield Public Schools and the Town of Enfield Youth Services will be hosting a school/ community/town informational meeting for persons interested in learning more about suicide and suicide prevention.

The informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at Enfield High School (EHS) at 6:30pm, in the EHS auditorium located at 1264 Enfield Street.  Dr. Michael J. Schultz will be the guest speaker.  Dr. Schultz is from the State Department of Children and Families and is Co-Director for the Academy for Family and Workforce Knowledge and Development.  He is a licensed psychologist and family therapist, with a specialty in family medicine.  His presentation will focus on a home-school-community approach.  He will also provide information about suicide, mental illness in adolescents, risk factors and warning signs of suicide, and will provide information on how to access mental health and emergency services.

School Crisis Response Team members and professional experts in suicide prevention will be present to provide an array of services and supports available to parents, youth, and concerned citizens. 

Enfield Youth Services along with Enfield school staff will continue to be available to meet with students and staff as needed.  In addition to the December 14th informational meeting support groups to assist students in talking about grief, loss, and depression will begin at Fermi High School during the week of December 12th-16th.

Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend and participate at the December 14th informational meeting.