Civil Air Patrol Fly Over on June 23, 2012
Published on Jun 22, 2012 12:21

The Civil Air Patrol will be flying over Enfield Public Schools to do an  exercise involving photography from aircraft on Saturday, June 23, 2012 between 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


Civil Air Patrol does a monthly Search and rescue exercise (SAREx) and training state - wide. This month thier mission base is out of the Hartford squadron.  They will be flying over Enfield Schools, specifically the two high schools and JFK. This is an opportunity, not only for the senior student in the plane with photography, but these photo's can then be used in the fall for CAP recruitment for cadets, as we do have cadets in our town that attend these schools.  They will be circling the schools, which is also why we felt it necessary to alert you as to our intention. Civil Air Patrol will not be landing in Enfield, rather simple flying over the schools for navigation and photography training for those on-board the aircraft.